- خطب المناسبات الدينيّة والمواعظ
- خطب إعطاء الأمل وإبر التخدير وبأنّ النصر قادم
- خطب القصص القرآني
- خطب التهييج العاطفي واللعب على الحس الديني
Sunday, October 02, 2011
وبعدين مع الخطباء والوعّاظ؟!! فقعت معي
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Becoming a Great Leader
If you watch the speech that JFK did when he said his famous quote "We choose to go to the moon" you will know that there is great difference between a commander, leader and a manager. Lets not discuss if they really landed on the moon or not, lets concentrate on how to become a great leader like JFK.
The commander is someone who commands and people has to follow, a manager is someone who manages resources and time to execute what is required but a leader is totally different.
A leader is someone who is being followed without asking or commanding, a leader is someone who makes people follow his orders and execute his vision without commanding them.
They say that leadership is born with the person, this is not really true some people are born to be leaders others are leaders to be born, they just need guidance and mentoring. I think that Martin Luther King is born to be a leader.

How to identify such people, those people will have such characteristics (the more the merrier):
- Enthusiastic
- Lovable
- Respected
- Spreads positive energy
- Patient
- Helps others
- Takes initiatives
- Walks the extra step
- Thoughtful and caring
- Strong Personality
- Trust-worthy
- Listens to others and accepts criticism
- Impressive personally and professionally
- Passionate
- Consistent
- Self-Esteem and confidence (they need to start doing what they have to do instead of being told what they have to do)
- Empowerment and Support from higher level
- Non-questionable knowledge or experience
- The ability to take strong decisions when needed no matter what
- Clear and with very good communication skills
- Ability to separate personal feelings from work
- Embrace the good things in others and help in eliminating the bad ones
- Quality of work
- Committed to success (personal and team)
- Finds a solution and knows how to fix issues
- Being fair with self and others and follows the rules
- Charismatic
- Has a vision that can be shared with others and get them hocked to it
- Integrity
- Sense of Humor
- Creativity and Innovation
Being enthusiastic and energetic is circumstantial depends on the environment while being lovable should be part of the personality itself, on the other hand, communication skills and quality of work can be grown by the time and experience.
There are great commanders in life, great managers but really little great leaders who made people follow them without even meeting them, such as Mohammed PBUH. Some great commanders were people like "Napoleon Bonaparte".
Not everyone can be a leader but anyone can be a commander, supervisor or a manager, if you are a leader then your requests and wishes are commands (commanders), people will ask you to check on them and check their work and see what they have achieved (supervisor), and people will self-manage themselves to make sure that your vision, goals and plans are achieved and are progressing as expected (manager), all of that is happening willingly by the people who accepted you as a leader.
When you reach a point that people are doing exactly what you want or think of without even telling them, at that time know that you are a great leader and you are accepted by those people as their leader.
Friday, July 22, 2011
مش عشان الأردن ... عشان بناتي

Tuesday, June 28, 2011
How to write a good CV?
- Send it in PDF format not doc, rtf, docx, odt, etc ... since there are different office suites that might render your CV wrong if the format is different (docx looks weird on LibreOffice)
- Use regular and commonly used fonts since using an odd font might not appear on PDF file if that font is not installed on the machine
- Name your CV properly (FirstName_LastName_CV.pdf)
- Write an Executive Summary or introduction about yourself or your objectives and the position you want to be hired for it will easy categorizing the CV
- Make it short and simple, over-writing will fire back at you
- Do not mention something if you are not ready to be asked about it, stuffing your CV with all the possible words that you heard will not do you any good
- Do not use over-used words, try to write your CV in as genuine way as possible and do not use words such as "Your growing company", "Your excellent leadership" and other things or descriptions that most probably you do not know about
- Spell check your CV and audit its grammar, its not good for you to send a CV with typos and grammatically wrong sentences
- And yes we know that you are a team player and can work under pressure, that's written in all CVs
- And yes we know that you have great ability to learn and adapt, try something new
- Your CV should show your passion
- Your CV should show your knowledge and experience
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hakeem, finally something to brag about!!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
قرصين فلافل ... هم الحل

Saturday, April 02, 2011
24 March in Amman City, succeeded ... to fail!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
أفضل صديق لي هو …
حسنا، ما هي المحددات؟ على أي أساس سوف أعرف من هو أفضل أصدقائي؟ فكرت ووضعت القائمة التالية:
عشرة طويلة وفترة زمنية جيدة من التعامل بيننا
أكلنا "عيش وملح" مع بعض أكثر من مرة
في بينا "مونة" أو بنمون على بعض كتير
يجب أن يكون مستودع أسراري بدون الخوف من أن يكشف هذه الأسرار لما نزعل مع بعض
دائم النصح لي ويريد لي الأفضل حتى لو كان أفضل منه
بحبني بدون شروط وبدون ما يكون بدّو منّي إشي
جاهز ليساعدني في أي وقت بدون ما أسأله وهواللي بيعرض المساعدة علي دايما بدون ما أطلب
بدايني فلوس وبسب علي لما أجي أرجعله إياهم وبقوللي روح إنصرف
يثق في ثقة عمياء عسى أن أكون أهلا لها
يأخذ برأيي ويناقشني وهدفنا المشترك البحث عن أفضل حل
بعذرني لما أغيب عليه أو أقصر معه ولما بحكي معي ما ببلش كلامه بعتاب ولكن بالسؤال عني وعن صحتي
لأنه بيعرف إنه سواقتي دفشة كل مرة بشوفني بقلي برضاي عليك سوق شوي شوي
بحبلي الخير وبعلمني أحب الخير لغيري
علمني كل إشي بعرفه وعلمني شو يعني الصاحب وعنده إستعداد ييجي من عمان لإربد وهولسه واصل من بره البلد عشان ييجيني بناءا على طلبي عشان لما أقله بدي أعمل زي الشباب وأهمل، ما بسب علي ولا بضربني ولا بقوللي إنت سخيف وتافه بالعكس سمعني وأعطاني نصيحة العمر وذكرني بحديث النبي مع إنه ما كان يصلي "القابض على دينه كالقابض على الجمر"
باله طويل علي وبناقشني وبسامحني على أخطائي بدون ما أعتذر، حنون وعصبي
أنا وياه بنحب نفس الأكل ومطبوخ بنفس الطريقة
هل عرفتم من هو أفضل أصدقائي؟ …........................ إنه صديقي وأخي وصاحبي …
...........…إنه أبي

Friday, February 18, 2011
Are You a Good Programmer/Developer?
- Do you smoke? If yes then thats a good start, most of the programmers and geeks are smokers

- Do you like to deal with people? If yes, then be a salesman, programmers don't usually like to deal with people they prefer the cyber world and try to avoid humans, they prefer the computers over humans
- Do you like computer games? If yes, then you have what it takes to become a programmer who knows how to spend his free time
- Do you judge on things by emotions or logic? If you are a logical person then thats a good sign to become a programmer (thats why you cannot find lots of female programmers)
- Do you enjoy challenges? If yes, then you are a good material to become a programmer, you will not get paid that much, if you are looking for money, then again be a salesman
- Are you lazy? This is one of the most important qualities in a good programmer, if you are active and athletic then most probably you should become a salesman
- Can you express yourself without drawing a diagram? If yes, then you need to think of finding another job, most programmers cannot deliver their messages without drawing something
- When you communicate with people technically, do they understand you? If yes, then be a salesman, programmers have their own jargons and they enjoy using them and seeing others unable to understand them
- Do you read technical material and articles frequently? If no, then you should open a supermarket and leave IT
- Did you hear of Linux yet? If not, then stay at home and cook for the children instead of going to work in an IT company
- Do you know object-oriented? No => cook
- Do you want a job that ends with the official work hours? Yes => work in a governmental institute, actually your job then starts after one hour (drink tea, socialize and having breakfast) and ends one hour earlier
- Can you motivate yourself? If no and you always look for something or someone to motivate you then => Salesman
- Are a team player? If yes, then you are pretending to be a programmer, usually good programmers are not good team players but they know how to deal with it
- Do you adapt fast? Have you ever and suddenly decided to go to Aqaba without even having the needed stuff, if yes then you can be a good programmer
- Do you work under pressure? The funny thing is that everyone mentions in their CVs that they can handle pressure and once you start squeezing them they start to collapse and cry just like a lemon. Programmers who can handle the pressure actually can be squeezed and squeezed and you will only see them saying more until they crash
- Do you obey orders or do you discuss them first? If you are just obeying orders then you are not a good programmer, programmers usually likes to challenge what they are asked to do and try to find a better way from their point of view, now thats good if you can balance otherwise you will end up being a good programmer without a job
- Do you respect highly skilled people? If yes, then you might become a good programmer but to really become a good programmer you should also look up to them and to become like them and reach a point to challenge them
- Do you have more courage when dealing with people using the cyber world than direct and face-to-face? If yes, then you will become a good programmer
- Do you have daydreams? If yes, then you are a good material to become a programmer. Programmers usually do not like their current reality and dreams of something better and different
- Do you have enough curiosity that will make you question how this works or why is this needed? If yes, then thats a very important thing, to become a good programmer that you always question things, designs or methodologies and try to know why? How? When? Where? and What?