Sunday, October 02, 2011

وبعدين مع الخطباء والوعّاظ؟!! فقعت معي

عنوان مزعج بس الأكثر إزعاجا هو الخطب المتكرّرة من خطباء يوم الجمعة واللّي مع الأسف لا ترقى للمستوى المطلوب فهي تنقسم إلى التّالي:
  1. خطب المناسبات الدينيّة والمواعظ
  2. خطب إعطاء الأمل وإبر التخدير وبأنّ النصر قادم
  3. خطب القصص القرآني
  4. خطب التهييج العاطفي واللعب على الحس الديني

وبعدين؟ عن جد وبعدين؟ لمتى هاي النوعية من الخطب اللي يا إمّا سمعناها ألف مرّة يا إمّا إنّو تأثيرها ما يدوم سوى بضعة ساعات، أيّام أو أسابيع وبعدين بترجع ريما لا عادتها القديمة.
يا شيوخنا وخطباءنا هاي الأمّة بدها بناء من تحت لفوق كل الأسس عنّا خربانة وحتّى عندكم إنتو كمان، الشيخ بقولنا هديك اليوم إنه الرّسول إنسحر وشيخ تاني طلع على التلفزين بقول لو إنسحر لبطل القرآن لأنّ الله كفل حماية النبي "والله يعصمك من النّاس" وطول عمري بعرف إنّه عقوبة الزّنا للمحصن الرّجم حتّى الموت وطلع فالأخير إنه هادا الحكي مشكوك فيه وبقوة على أساس إنه في آية بالقرآن نسي يحكيلنا عنها النبي شو هالخربطة هاي كلها.

كله بده تزبيط وإعادة بناء وترتيب يا إخوان إنتو كيف بدكم النّاس تصلّي الفجر وهيّ شويّة قواعد وآداب طريق أو شارع ما بتلتزم فيها بسكروا الشّارع عشان الصلاة وعنده إستعداد يعمل مليون حادث عشان يلحّق الصلاة أكيد في إشي غلط.

كيف بدّك إيّاني أصدقك وأصدّق إنو المصاري إللّي أنا بحطها بصندوق الجامع بتروح للأرامل والأيتام والمساكين وعلى باب المسجد صارلي بشوف نفس الشحّادات والشحّادين من 3 سنين وأكتر؟ ماهو إذا همه محتاجين وإنت ما بطعطيهم فإنت حرامي أو إذا همه مش محتاجين وإنت ساكت عنهم فإنت ساكت عن الحق وبتخلّيهم ينصبوا على كل هدول النّاس اللّي طالعين منم المسجد؟ ليش ساكت خايف ولا شريك ولا شو؟

بيّاعين الخضرة وسوق الجمعة بمساعدة المصلّين نفسهم بقلبوا الشّوارع مزبلة ورغم إنه حرام البيع والشرا في وقت الخطبة والصلاة بس شو البيع والشرا على ودنه

إحنا خربانين من جوّة هاي الصدمات والإبر بتساعد شوي ولوقت مؤقّت وبعدين بروح تأثيرها إحنا لازمنا إعادة بناء وإعادة تأسيس للدين والشريعة وإلا إبقى قابلني إذا فلحنا

يا جماعة الشيوخ والوعّاظ بدك تشتغل علينا زي كإنا لسّاتنا عمرنا أربع خمس سنين من أول وجديد وعلى أسس صحيحة ويا إخوان مشان الله هاي الأمور الخلافيّة حلوها عاد بكفّي بعبصة بعقولنا ومشاعرنا الواحد قرّب يطلع عن دينه

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Becoming a Great Leader

If you watch the speech that JFK did when he said his famous quote "We choose to go to the moon" you will know that there is great difference between a commander, leader and a manager. Lets not discuss if they really landed on the moon or not, lets concentrate on how to become a great leader like JFK.

The commander is someone who commands and people has to follow, a manager is someone who manages resources and time to execute what is required but a leader is totally different.

A leader is someone who is being followed without asking or commanding, a leader is someone who makes people follow his orders and execute his vision without commanding them.

They say that leadership is born with the person, this is not really true some people are born to be leaders others are leaders to be born, they just need guidance and mentoring. I think that Martin Luther King is born to be a leader.

How to identify such people, those people will have such characteristics (the more the merrier):
  • Enthusiastic
  • Lovable
  • Respected
  • Spreads positive energy
  • Patient
  • Helps others
  • Takes initiatives
  • Walks the extra step
  • Thoughtful and caring
  • Strong Personality
  • Trust-worthy
  • Listens to others and accepts criticism
  • Impressive personally and professionally
  • Passionate
  • Consistent
  • Self-Esteem and confidence (they need to start doing what they have to do instead of being told what they have to do)
  • Empowerment and Support from higher level
  • Non-questionable knowledge or experience
  • The ability to take strong decisions when needed no matter what
  • Clear and with very good communication skills
  • Ability to separate personal feelings from work
  • Embrace the good things in others and help in eliminating the bad ones
  • Quality of work
  • Committed to success (personal and team)
  • Finds a solution and knows how to fix issues
  • Being fair with self and others and follows the rules
  • Charismatic
  • Has a vision that can be shared with others and get them hocked to it
  • Integrity
  • Sense of Humor
  • Creativity and Innovation
Some of those can be grown by mentoring and guidance but others have to be built-in within the person (Leader to-be).

Being enthusiastic and energetic is circumstantial depends on the environment  while being lovable should be part of the personality itself, on the other hand, communication skills and quality of work can be grown by the time and experience.

There are great commanders in life, great managers but really little great leaders who made people follow them without even meeting them, such as Mohammed PBUH. Some great commanders were people like "Napoleon Bonaparte".

Not everyone can be a leader but anyone can be a commander, supervisor or a manager, if you are a leader then your requests and wishes are commands (commanders), people will ask you to check on them and check their work and see what they have achieved (supervisor), and people will self-manage themselves to make sure that your vision, goals and plans are achieved and are progressing as expected (manager), all of that is happening willingly by the people who accepted you as a leader.

When you reach a point that people are doing exactly what you want or think of without even telling them, at that time know that you are a great leader and you are accepted by those people as their leader.

Friday, July 22, 2011

مش عشان الأردن ... عشان بناتي

كنت بدّي أكتب هاي الخاطرة بالفصحى بس حسّيت إنوا ما رح ينفع فا إتحمّلوني

عندي بنتين صغار وبحبهم كتير وإلهم صور في كل مكان بخصني وأتوقع إنه واضح، المهم هدول البنات أنا بربيهم على أنهم يحبّوا ويحترموا الأمن العام (الشرطة) والجيش وأنا دايمن بفهمهم إنو لمّا يضيعوا يهربوا لعند أقرب شرطي لأنه صاحبنا وبدير باله علينا وهو اللّي بمسك الحرامية وعلّمت مرتي وكتير ناس ما يخوفوا البنات من الشرطة (إزا ما بتاكلي صحنك بجيب الشرطي) وغيره لأني دايمن بقول لو واحدة من البنات ضاعت فبدّي إياها تلجأ لمكان آمن ولشخص موثوق، وبتلاقيهم وإحنا ماشيين بسلموا على الشرطة لأنهم أصدقاءنا وإزا أي حدا بسأل بنتي الكبيرة هالسؤالين "إحنا ليش بنحب الشرطة؟" عشان بحمونا من الحراميّة و"ليش بنحب الجيش" عشان بحمونا من الأعداء (على فكرة هاي نفس البنت تبعت " غزّة واوا ... بوبّو واوا ... دج دج") ما شاء الله عليها ذكية وبتسأل أسئلة صعبة

هلق السؤال المهم للمؤسّسة العسكريّة لمّا بنتي تشوف اللّي عملوه رجال الأمن (سواء درك أو شرطة) وتسألني بابا هدول مو مناح بضربوا النّاس شو أقولها؟ في قدّامي حلّين يا إمّا بقولها إنوا النّاس اللّي عم بنضربوا حرامية أو بدّي أقولها إنّو الشرطة مش مناح، تفضّلوا حلّولي هل المعضلة

فكّرت بالموضوع إزا قلتلها هدول حرامية ( عن النّاس والصحفيين ) بظلمهم وإزا قلتلها إنّو الشرطة عاطلين بخسر عامل حماية مهم وبهز ثقة بنتي بالبدلة العسكريّة
وأخيرا قرّرت، وبالتالي أنا آسف يا متظاهرين ويا صحفيين بس إنتوا طلعتوا حرامية عشان بنتي تضل تثق بالشرطة

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to write a good CV?

Now there are lots of people who are great and wrote very clear guidelines on how to write a CV but this is my point of view from the CVs I read and how we deal with these CVs.

One of the important things that distinguishes Jordanian companies from others is that HR departments do not exist or if exists are very small and is taking care of "Time and Attendance, vacations and leave requests", therefore the burden of reading, categorizing and selecting the people to interview is on the shoulders of the department manager or company manager and making your CV hard will encourage that manager to put your CV on top of the pile "To be read later" or to be thrown (demonstrated in the image below).

There are very important points that applicants usually miss and those points might get you hired or not, the following is the list of those points:
  1. Send it in PDF format not doc, rtf, docx, odt, etc ... since there are different office suites that might render your CV wrong if the format is different (docx looks weird on LibreOffice)
  2. Use regular and commonly used fonts since using an odd font might not appear on PDF file if that font is not installed on the machine
  3. Name your CV properly (FirstName_LastName_CV.pdf)
  4. Write an Executive Summary or introduction about yourself or your objectives and the position you want to be hired for it will easy categorizing the CV
  5. Make it short and simple, over-writing will fire back at you
  6. Do not mention something if you are not ready to be asked about it, stuffing your CV with all the possible words that you heard will not do you any good
  7. Do not use over-used words, try to write your CV in as genuine way as possible and do not use words such as "Your growing company", "Your excellent leadership" and other things or descriptions that most probably you do not know about
  8. Spell check your CV and audit its grammar, its not good for you to send a CV with typos and grammatically wrong sentences
  9. And yes we know that you are a team player and can work under pressure, that's written in all CVs
  10. And yes we know that you have great ability to learn and adapt, try something new
  11. Your CV should show your passion
  12. Your CV should show your knowledge and experience

Format your CV properly, check it on different machines, write it, read it, re-write it and re-read it multiple times before you send it and it should not exceed 2-4 pages (2 less experience - 4 high experience), I received a CV from a less than one year experience guy and his CV was 5 pages, I got bored reading it, too many spaces, too many repeating himself, etc ...

Finally, if you are not ready for the interview and need to get prepared ask to put the time at later time but do not come to an interview for software developer position and you do not know what is software development, object-oriented, development technologies or not knowing the concepts.

Hope this helps you and others,

Your Sincerely,

Someone suffering from CVs

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hakeem, finally something to brag about!!

Hakeem is the first national e-Health initiative in Jordan. The program aims to facilitate and improve the healthcare services, by providing real time and up to date electronic medical information throughout the public health system. Through Hakeem, EHS will invest specialized resources in implementing a proven digital platform that supports the storage, retrieval and updating of the electronic health records (EHR) of patients cared for by all of the participating healthcare facilities in Jordan.

Hakeem allows clinicians to view their patients (EHR) using their national ID number, which will include comprehensive procedural and surgical reports, current medications, allergies, medical and surgical history, as well as hospitalization and clinic visit notes. In addition, it will provide online access to lab results and digital radiological exams.

The system will alert the ordering provider of critical lab results, drug interactions and it will remind providers when their patient is due for certain exams or tests. These capabilities of the system will allow for better management of chronic illnesses, earlier detection of disease, improved safety and quality of care.

At later stages of the project, a bar code medication control and management system will be deployed. This function will dramatically increase patient safety by ensuring accurate admission of medications, and will contribute to the reduction of medication waste and prescription duplication. (

And this implementation is utilizing open source software and technologies as much as possible and its now operating the outpatient clinics in Prince Hamzeh Hospital and Amman Comprehensive Center, its also used in the Surgery rooms and inpatient wards of Prince Hamzeh Hospital, seems that we are doing good job and I hope that people will realize how important is this project to Jordan as it will open new streams of businesses, jobs and education paths.

إدعولنا بالتوفيق والنجاح وإن شاء الله سوف يكون واحد من أكبر الإنجازات الأردنية والعربية على صعيد التكنولوجيا بشكل عام والتكنولوجيا الصحية بشكل خاص

Sunday, May 15, 2011

قرصين فلافل ... هم الحل

الفلافل مادّة سحريّة تتكوّن من الحمّص وأحيانا القول مع كميّة لا يستهان بها من البكنج باودر ومواد نافخة أخرى وهذا المادّة السحريّة من وجهة نظري الأمنيّة أفضل طريقة لفض أي مظاهرة بدون عنف وبنفس الوقت ستظهر الحكومة كأنّها كريمة إذا إتّبعت الوصفة كما أضعها.
لو أنّي وزير الدّاخليّة ما أرسلت أو إستعنت بالبلطجيّة ولا بأي جهاز أمني بل أستعين بأحد المطاعم المشهورة بصنع الفلافل الذّي ينفخ وأطالب هذا المطعم بصنع كمّيات مهولة من الفلافل مع البصل والحمّص وبوزّع شاندويشات فلافل مع كاسات الشاي والعصير ولن تستطيع أي مظاهرة أن تصمد أكثر من ساعتين وسوف تنفض لوحدها نتيجة الغازات المصنّعة بشريّا أو نتيجة الشعور بحالة عالية من التنبلة والنّعاس

نصيحة بدل العصي والهراوات والطّلقات المطّاطيّة خليّك مسلّح بالفلافل وبطلع الكل راضي

مع تحيّات مواطن وإن شاء الله أضل مواطن

Saturday, April 02, 2011

24 March in Amman City, succeeded ... to fail!!

I heard a lot about 24 March and I have supported their requests, defended them during discussions and actually I was eager to join them but after the last demonstrations but I lost that eager, I still support the freedom they are asking for, actually I am the supporter for freedom and I used to do that for 10 years in the area that I understand which is technology and software and I had always asked the government officials and different decision makers to support Free software and Open Source Software and though I didn't succeed in my mission but I will continue that struggle until I succeed Insha Allah.

Now the question comes, why did I lose the eager to join 24 March movement (I may create my own movement called 25th of February, that have the same requests)?!! Well, first of all they were not organized, their identity wasn't clear to me, sometime they looked Islamic, then liberal then something else, the speakers weren't that great (I attended after 4:30 PM), the song that the child sang wasn't impressive, the poet about Khairi Saed (Allah Yer7amo) was provocative, we were thanking the policemen before few minutes and in that poem it was in a way humiliating them and feeding the negative energy and he wasn't killed by bullets and I do not think that he was a poet, and the worst thing was the sketch at the end.

The early and unplanned ending was a shock but I would like to thank the 24 March Shabab for their courtesy for ending the demonstrations earlier than what was planned for the policemen to have some rest as they were doing their job and I really hope that it wasn't ended because it failed (though this is how I saw it).

Shabab 24 March, I want to send you a message, your movement has started to lose its credibility and many others are trying to take advantage of you, please think twice before you select your enemies and think 100 times before you select your friends.

Why did I go there? This might be a valid question that even Mokhabarat might ask me or others who might see me in the TV, well, five main things that made me go there to see the demonstrations:

1- To practice my political freedom, I have always done that before on a limited scale and I used to be afraid from the "Reports Writers and their spices"

2- To get to know the 24 march more and get in touch with them

3- To see if they are really doing a peaceful demonstration (I had this doubt that I needed to clear)

4- To see if there are actually what we call baltajieh (though I already have seen them in different areas in Amman and already criticized them different times on twitter) but I needed to see if they will try to do anything wrong

5- I have put my life online based on the words of His Majesty King Abdullah II and wanted to see if really the policemen will protect the demonstrators or not (for people who doesn't know me, I am a fat, slow person with a bad knee and back injury, therefore I will not be able to run if we were attacked and if someone just throw a knife it will for sure hit me even if he didn't mean to do that).

After I went there I have actually accomplished all my objectives and came up with the following (you may agree or not):

1- It was a great feeling to practice freedom, I know the feeling when I do my job, but in politics this might be the first time that I really feel it and I do not think that this could have happened before, and I wish that His Majesty will maintain this for us and even help us to mature in this area and to help us in practicing freedom and democracy while knowing our responsibilities and rights, and to give us the road map on how to move this to the next level and for a better Jordan.

2- 24 March movement is not mature and some of the guys there wasn't taking it seriously, the guys might be pure and clean and for sure they love Jordan but they need lots of work before they can create the effect that they want and thats why they are trying to get others to support them (The 36 group), the Muslims Brotherhood (el-ekhwan) and others who are against the government, I am not saying that this government is great, actually I feel its worse than the previous one but also its true that ekhwan for sure never did and will never do represent me or my ideas.

3- It was a peaceful demonstration and I saw families there with their kids (see images below)
4- Were there "Baltajieh", yes there were and actually they were doing so many uncivilized things, such as loud songs, they called the demonstrators names (not as bad as what we saw on youtube), they called them the traitors, the ignorants, the disloyal and some actually were trying to attack the leaving demonstrators at the end of the demonstration. On the way to the area of demonstration some of them were driving like crazy dogs (I will not forget the black BMW who was about to hit 3-4 people standing on the side way), unfortunately I do not have pictures but you can imagine them from the historical images and videos

5- The demonstrators were well protected and I really felt how those policemen were trying their best to avoid any conflicts, they stopped cars and made them return if they suspected them, they asked people to stay away to avoid issues, they were friendly and polite, I would like to salute every policeman there who protected the demonstrations and kept the promises, it was that safe that an old guy who hardly can walk was there.
Finally I would like to thank the pure 24 march shabab who cleaned the square after the demonstrations ended and I would like also to thank the cleaners who also helped.
Finally a message for His Majesty, please give your orders for quick reformations and repairs in Jordan, we are tired from the corruption, we are tired from the expensive life, we are tired from the people who are trying to hijack our freedom and we are also tired from the people who are trying to take advantage of our freedom, its like "If your son grows older then make him your brother". And I hope that His Majesty is supervising the steps towards better Jordan himself and not based on reports of people who will do their best to impress him and for sure will try to show him a mutated image instead of giving him the "real" image.

Allah Akbar, Long Live Jordan and Long Live His Majesty.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

أفضل صديق لي هو …

جلست أفكّر من هو أفضل أصدقائي؟ وحتّى أستطيع أن أجيب على هذا السؤال فكّرت ما المحدّدات التّي سيتم عليها الإختيار؟

حسنا، ما هي المحددات؟ على أي أساس سوف أعرف من هو أفضل أصدقائي؟ فكرت ووضعت القائمة التالية:

  1. عشرة طويلة وفترة زمنية جيدة من التعامل بيننا

  2. أكلنا "عيش وملح" مع بعض أكثر من مرة

  3. في بينا "مونة" أو بنمون على بعض كتير

  4. يجب أن يكون مستودع أسراري بدون الخوف من أن يكشف هذه الأسرار لما نزعل مع بعض

  5. دائم النصح لي ويريد لي الأفضل حتى لو كان أفضل منه

  6. بحبني بدون شروط وبدون ما يكون بدّو منّي إشي

  7. جاهز ليساعدني في أي وقت بدون ما أسأله وهواللي بيعرض المساعدة علي دايما بدون ما أطلب

  8. بدايني فلوس وبسب علي لما أجي أرجعله إياهم وبقوللي روح إنصرف

  9. يثق في ثقة عمياء عسى أن أكون أهلا لها

  10. يأخذ برأيي ويناقشني وهدفنا المشترك البحث عن أفضل حل

  11. بعذرني لما أغيب عليه أو أقصر معه ولما بحكي معي ما ببلش كلامه بعتاب ولكن بالسؤال عني وعن صحتي

  12. لأنه بيعرف إنه سواقتي دفشة كل مرة بشوفني بقلي برضاي عليك سوق شوي شوي

  13. بحبلي الخير وبعلمني أحب الخير لغيري

  14. علمني كل إشي بعرفه وعلمني شو يعني الصاحب وعنده إستعداد ييجي من عمان لإربد وهولسه واصل من بره البلد عشان ييجيني بناءا على طلبي عشان لما أقله بدي أعمل زي الشباب وأهمل، ما بسب علي ولا بضربني ولا بقوللي إنت سخيف وتافه بالعكس سمعني وأعطاني نصيحة العمر وذكرني بحديث النبي مع إنه ما كان يصلي "القابض على دينه كالقابض على الجمر"

  15. باله طويل علي وبناقشني وبسامحني على أخطائي بدون ما أعتذر، حنون وعصبي

  16. أنا وياه بنحب نفس الأكل ومطبوخ بنفس الطريقة

هل عرفتم من هو أفضل أصدقائي؟ …........................ إنه صديقي وأخي وصاحبي …

...........…إنه أبي

Friday, February 18, 2011

Are You a Good Programmer/Developer?

Well, this is not a technical question its more about your personality and if you have what it takes to become a programmer. Let me put my criteria and see if you fit within this criteria, otherwise you should find another career :-)

  • Do you smoke? If yes then thats a good start, most of the programmers and geeks are smokers

  • Do you like to deal with people? If yes, then be a salesman, programmers don't usually like to deal with people they prefer the cyber world and try to avoid humans, they prefer the computers over humans

  • Do you like computer games? If yes, then you have what it takes to become a programmer who knows how to spend his free time
  • Do you judge on things by emotions or logic? If you are a logical person then thats a good sign to become a programmer (thats why you cannot find lots of female programmers)
  • Do you enjoy challenges? If yes, then you are a good material to become a programmer, you will not get paid that much, if you are looking for money, then again be a salesman
  • Are you lazy? This is one of the most important qualities in a good programmer, if you are active and athletic then most probably you should become a salesman
  • Can you express yourself without drawing a diagram? If yes, then you need to think of finding another job, most programmers cannot deliver their messages without drawing something
  • When you communicate with people technically, do they understand you? If yes, then be a salesman, programmers have their own jargons and they enjoy using them and seeing others unable to understand them
  • Do you read technical material and articles frequently? If no, then you should open a supermarket and leave IT
  • Did you hear of Linux yet? If not, then stay at home and cook for the children instead of going to work in an IT company
  • Do you know object-oriented? No => cook
  • Do you want a job that ends with the official work hours? Yes => work in a governmental institute, actually your job then starts after one hour (drink tea, socialize and having breakfast) and ends one hour earlier
  • Can you motivate yourself? If no and you always look for something or someone to motivate you then => Salesman
  • Are a team player? If yes, then you are pretending to be a programmer, usually good programmers are not good team players but they know how to deal with it
  • Do you adapt fast? Have you ever and suddenly decided to go to Aqaba without even having the needed stuff, if yes then you can be a good programmer
  • Do you work under pressure? The funny thing is that everyone mentions in their CVs that they can handle pressure and once you start squeezing them they start to collapse and cry just like a lemon. Programmers who can handle the pressure actually can be squeezed and squeezed and you will only see them saying more until they crash
  • Do you obey orders or do you discuss them first? If you are just obeying orders then you are not a good programmer, programmers usually likes to challenge what they are asked to do and try to find a better way from their point of view, now thats good if you can balance otherwise you will end up being a good programmer without a job
  • Do you respect highly skilled people? If yes, then you might become a good programmer but to really become a good programmer you should also look up to them and to become like them and reach a point to challenge them
  • Do you have more courage when dealing with people using the cyber world than direct and face-to-face? If yes, then you will become a good programmer
  • Do you have daydreams? If yes, then you are a good material to become a programmer. Programmers usually do not like their current reality and dreams of something better and different
  • Do you have enough curiosity that will make you question how this works or why is this needed? If yes, then thats a very important thing, to become a good programmer that you always question things, designs or methodologies and try to know why? How? When? Where? and What?
Programmers or developers are the heroes behind the scenes that are paid less but they do most of the work but they always look for the next new thing and they might get bored quickly, really good programmers or developers are self motivated, they find something to motivate them, if they cannot find it, they create it, if they cannot create it, they illude themselves with one and they believe in it, otherwise there is nothing else that can motivate them, they work day and night, they read, they need to be up to date, they need to keep up with the team, handle issues, work under pressure, burn lots of brain cells, become anti-social to take only their salaries and maybe some credit or little appreciation while others (management and/or sales) will take all the credit and accordingly the bonus, the good salary raises, etc ...